This blog, in addition to the usual maintenance details for classic mini cars, an attempt is made to explain the "whys" and "wherefores" of the various jobs.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Interior Heater

The earlier type of heater, fitted as standard on deluxe models and available as an optional extra on the remainder of the range, is of the simple recirculating type rudely termed a "fug-stirrer" in some quarters since it draws in and recirculates the air inside the car, instead of drawing in a fresh supply from outside. In hot weather the fan can be used for cooling purposes if the water supply to the heater is turned off by the tap at the hose connexion on the engine. Later heaters are of the fresh-air type and the tap is controlled from inside the car.

The fan motor will operate only when the engine is switched on. The initial movement of the switch brings the motor into operation at full speed. Further rotation reduces the speed (and the noise of operation) until the desired amount of heating and demisting is obtained.

 Windscreen Wiper Switch: 

The wiper blades are not self-parking on earlier cars. It is, therefore, necessary to switch off the wipers at the moment at which the blades reach the parked position.