This blog, in addition to the usual maintenance details for classic mini cars, an attempt is made to explain the "whys" and "wherefores" of the various jobs.

Saturday, 17 October 2009

Transmission Couplings

The universal joints at each end of the two drive shafts should be checked during the 6,000-mile service. The rubber couplings at the inner end of the shaft may fail within 5,000-6,000 miles if oil is allowed to leak on to them, but can have a life of upwards of 30,000 miles if they are kept free from oil and the U-bolts are correctly tensioned. The self-locking nuts on the U-bolts should be tightened until two threads protrude. If they have been too slack or too tight for any length of time, the rubber cross-pieces in the couplings will have been damaged and should be renewed. It is as well to renew the self-locking nuts at the same time, and as the new bolts are quite cheap, it will do no harm to replace these also.

Faults in the couplings will cause knocks or vibration when starting from a standstill or when the wheels are turned towards full lock. The outer joints, which are of the mechanical type, can develop a knock when wear begins to develop, but provided that it occurs only towards full lock,it is usually safe to assume that the joints will still have a good deal of useful life left in them. Make sure, however, that the rubber boots over the mechanical joints and the splined connexions are in sound condition. It is not difficult to fit new boots after uncoupling the U-bolts on the rubber joint but it is essential to pack the splines and joints with the correct grease. For the mechanical joints, use only Duckham's Molybentone grease, B.M.C. Part No. AKF1457. The only grease approved for the sliding splines is Duckham's Lammol grease, Part No. 97H2611.

This cooling system thermostat is in good condition. The water-control valve (1) is closed and the bellows (2) undamaged