This blog, in addition to the usual maintenance details for classic mini cars, an attempt is made to explain the "whys" and "wherefores" of the various jobs.

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Workbench and Storage

A workbench will be needed for any jobs that are not done in situ on the car, but is by no means essential if the work is confined to simple routine servicing and adjustments. It is quite possible to make do with a stout kitchen table, which can often be picked up for a few shillings at an auction.

Again, if any but elementary servicing is carried out, it will be necessary to obtain an engineer's vice, which should be securely bolted to the bench, reinforcing the top, if necessary, at this point. Excellent vices can often be obtained quite cheaply from stores dealing in Ministry surplus equipment.

Shelves can be fitted beneath the bench or to the wall, to accommodate the inevitable collection of tins, jars and bits and pieces that will accumu¬late from time to time. Small steel parts can be kept in jam jars filled with a fifty-fifty mixture of paraffin and engine oil, to protect them from rust. A wooden stand can also be made up to take a 5-gallon drum of oil as it is much more economical to purchase oil in bulk than in pint, quart or gallon tins. A draw-off tap can be purchased quite cheaply to replace the screwed plug in the side of the drum. Needless to say, when fitting the tap the drum should be laid on its side, with the screwed plug uppermost.